Book Theme Indian Wedding Invitations – Just a quick one to show off these beautiful photos of some book themed Indian Wedding Invites we made for a book lovers wedding which were photographed by Alix at Lumiere Photography – The couple called Shailini & Matt got in touch looking for some vintage book themed wedding invites with some special details included to relate the invite designs to their Indian Wedding, such as the inclusion of a Ganesh and a Saree similar to the one that would be wore by the Bride.

The Indian Wedding Invites were designed in the style of vintage books as both the bride and groom were book lovers and felt a book themed wedding invitation would help in telling the story of their wedding. These photos turned out really beautiful and Alix at Lumiere Photography specialises in Indian Weddings so look her up if you need a wedding photographer.

We also make really cool Indian Wedding Thank You Cards for sending to your guests once the big day is over. Below is an example of a thank you card we made for a couple who tied the knot and used this beautiful photo of them cutting the cake for their cards.

indian wedding thank you cards

Indian Wedding thank you cards

This next example below is also in the polaroid photo style as above.

indian wedding thank you card

Indian Wedding thank you card

This next wedding thank you card is a postcard style which featured a montage of images from the couples Indian Wedding. On the reverse was a pre printed message and postcard layout for easily popping the postcards in the post.

indian wedding thank you card postcard montage

Indian Wedding thank you card postcard montage

If you need Indian Wedding Invitations or wedding thank you cards or any type of wedding invites for your big day, or have seen some wedding stationery on this website that you would like more information about please click here to get in touch.