Wedding Festival Stationery – We have just come across some beautiful photos from a festival wedding we designed and made wedding stationery for last year and wanted to share them with our customers and also showcase the talent of awesome wedding photographer Sarah Legge Photography – (All these photographs are owned by and copyright owned by Sarah Legge Photography). We have made tons of wedding photo thank you cards for couples who have used Sarah for their wedding photos and we have always enjoyed her work and the photographs have always been amazing so go check her out right now!!!

Micklefield Hall festival wedding
Carly and Chris (looking great above) contacted us last year looking for wedding stationery for their wedding festival they were having in the summer of 2014. Of course they came to the right place. To begin with we designed and made them festival wedding invites.

Wedfest Festival Wedding Invites

festival wedding lanyards
For the day of their wedding we made them VIP style festival lanyards for their wedding guests, which you can see the guests wearing in the photos above and below.

festival wedding

festival wedding ideas
For the wedding reception we designed and made a festival style poster wedding table plan and matching wedding table centre cards.

WEDFEST festival wedding table plan

WEDFEST festival wedding seating plan

festival wedding flags
Loving this next photo showing everyone wearing their VIP wedding lanyards!! great photos 🙂

festival wedding vip lanyards
You can see some of the wedding stationery we made the couple in the photos of their festival wedding taken by Sarah Legge Photography.

festival wedding tables

festival wedding table decoration
Not only does this look like such an amazing wedding but the photographs are truly fantastic.

festival wedding stationery
If you like the look of the festival wedding stationery we made for this wedding please click here to get in touch.

festival wedding photographer
If you like the look of the photographs you can contact Sarah Legge Photography at or find here on facebook at