Ireland vs England Rugby Ticket Wedding Invitations

Ireland vs England Rugby Wedding Invitations - last year we launched a range of Rugby ticket wedding invitations to go along side our very popular football ticket wedding invites and it seems the Rugby loving fans out there love them as much as the football fans. rugby ticket wedding invites One of our ideas for the rugby ticket themed wedding [...]

Rugby Themed Wedding Table & Seating Plan

Rugby Wedding Table & Seating Plan If you follow our website then you will know we design and make a totally awesome range of Rugby Ticket Wedding Invitations and it is only natural that couples would want to take that rugby theme and also carry it through to the rest of their wedding stationery. In the case of this post [...]

England vs Scotland Rugby Ticket Wedding Invites

England vs Scotland Rugby Ticket Wedding Invites - Following on from our amazing range of Football Ticket Wedding Invitations range a while back we started getting similar requests for Rugby Ticket Wedding Invites from customers, so we did the only thing we know how to and went and designed some beautiful rugby themed wedding invites. rugby wedding invitations [...]

Cricket Ticket Themed Wedding Invitations

Cricket Match Ticket Wedding Invitations At Wedfest as you know we work on all types of awesome themed wedding stationery, and one of the biggest themes for our customers is sports themed wedding stationery. Of course the most popular is football ticket wedding invitations but we can adapt our designs to suit and sport. So we were bowled over when Cricket Fans Lucy [...]

Alternative Wedding Invitations and Wedding Stationery

Alternative Wedding Invitations and Wedding Stationery from Wedfest If you are familiar with our website you will know that Wedfest specialise in a huge range of awesome, amazing and quite frankly super cool alternative wedding invitations and wedding stationery. This website is full of amazing wedding invitation designs and inspiration and we are constantly adding new and exciting designs. As [...]

Video of our Wedding Stationery at Quirky Weddings

A couple of weeks ago Wedfest was exhibiting at the Quirky Weddings Alternative Wedding Fair in Belfast. We made this short video of our wedding display stand and thought you might like to see it. It shows a quick run through of most of our most popular wedding stationery. Photos of this also to follow... Enjoy.... Wedfest Festival and Themed [...]

Match of the Day Football Ticket Wedding Invitations

Match of the Day Football Ticket Wedding Invitations - At Wedfest we design and make a whole range of themed wedding stationery and one of the most popular products we make is our range of football ticket wedding invitations. match of the day football wedding invitation Football and Soccer fans across the world come to us every day looking [...]

Rugby Ticket Wedding Invites

Rugby Ticket Themed Wedding Invitations  As it is the final day of the 2017 Rugby Six Nations Championship it seemed only fitting to have a Rugby wedding invitations themed post. England have already won the championship at the time of writing but Ireland are looking to cause an upset and prevent England from the Grand Slam. Of course being Irish [...]

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