Winter Themed Wedding Stationery

Ski Themed Wedding Seating Plan

Ski Themed Wedding Seating Plan - We have worked on quite a few Ski Themed Wedding Stationery projects so far and this is another one we worked on for Sianedd & Jonathan who got married back in November. They had seen some of our earlier ski theme wedding designs and wanted us to design and make them a Ski Themed [...]

Winter / Christmas / Festive Themed Wedding Stationery

Winter / Christmas / Festive Themed Wedding Stationery - With the chance to use rich, festive colours in your styling, the possibility of a sprinkling of snow and the option for blazing log fires, what’s not to love about winter weddings? What’s more, as well as being highly romantic, these magical occasions suit any budget, since you can serve mulled [...]

Winter Wedfest Themed Wedding Invites

Winter Wedfest Themed Wedding Invites - Considering the crazy winter weather we have been experiencing this week this set of winter wedding invitations will fit the mood perfectly. On the 1st January 2015 Angela and Vasileios got married in Co. Monaghan, Ireland at their Winter Wedfest Wedding. winter wedding invites Angela got in touch a few months back [...]

Corporate Christmas Party Wristbands

Corporate Christmas Party Wristbands - As well as providing stationery for weddings Wedfest also caters for business events and corporate parties. Just before Christmas one company got in touch looking for us to make them festival style wristbands for their Corporate Christmas Party for all the Staff members to wear on the night out for the Christmas Party. christmas [...]

Festive / Christmas Themed Wedding Table Plan

Festive / Christmas Themed Wedding Table Plan - Earlier in the year I designed Sonya and Michael from Aberdeen some football ticket wedding invitations for their wedding which was taking place a few days after Christmas this year. The couple came back to me before Christmas looking for me to design them a festive themed wedding table plan as their [...]

Wonderful Winter Wedding Table Plan

Wonderful Winter Wedding Table Plan - Winter is here! We are reaching the mid point of November and there is no denying the nights are longer and the temperatures have dropped and the summer clothes have been packed away and big coats, hats and gloves are order of the day. Soon christmas will be upon us and snow is just around [...]

Ski Themed Wedding Stationery

Ski Themed Wedding Stationery - Wedfest is not just limited to creating wedding stationery for festival or music themed weddings. We are graphic designers at the end of the day and we can design wedding stationery for any theme you may come up with. Another popular theme we have worked on a few times is winter weddings and in particular ski themed weddings. [...]

Winter Wedding Save The Date

Winter Wedding Save The Date - I know spring is (somewhere) around the corner so talking winter weddings may not exactly make the sun come out but if you are getting married in the winter then you need to be planning now. These winter wedding save the date cards were designed for a couple getting married after Christmas at the [...]

Festival Poster Wedding Stationery

Festival Poster Wedding Stationery - These poster style wedding invitations were for a full weekend wedding which took place in November. The couple Sarah and Toby contacted me explaining that their wedding was going to take place over 3 days just like a festival weekend and they wanted to style the wedding stationery to suit this. The wedding was taking place [...]

Christmas Wedding Table and Seating Plan

Christmas Wedding Table and Seating Plan - It Tis the season! Christmas will be upon us in a matter of weeks and the Christmas Wedding season has well and truly kicked off! Christmas is a great time for weddings and lots of couples theme their weddings and wedding stationery around the winter, christmas vibe. This couple who are getting married [...]

Winter Festival Wedding Invites

Winter Festival Wedding Invites - Winter is almost here! in as far as summer has most definitely gone!! But just because its winter doesn't mean the festival season is over! Far from it in fact! Many of you out there are festival fans and will be getting married this winter in your very own winter festivals and winter wedfests etc. [...]

Festival Weddings Table and Seating Plans

Festival Weddings Table and Seating Plans - I recently posted on a previous post that even though I had created many festival themed wedding table plans I realised I wasn't posting up as many on the site as I should be, so here is another set of wedding table plans that I have worked on over the past few months. [...]

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