Ireland vs England Rugby Ticket Wedding Invitations

Ireland vs England Rugby Wedding Invitations - last year we launched a range of Rugby ticket wedding invitations to go along side our very popular football ticket wedding invites and it seems the Rugby loving fans out there love them as much as the football fans. rugby ticket wedding invites One of our ideas for the rugby ticket themed wedding [...]

Belfast Rock N Roll Wedding with Black Haute Couture Wedding Dress by Malyarova Olga

Rock N Roll Wedding in Belfast featuring a Black Haute Couture Wedding Dress by Malyarova Olga We have something very special to show you today!! If you have read the very long title you will have an idea but the full title should be... Belfast Couple's Rock n Roll themed wedding day at Altahammond House Wedding Barn featuring a Black [...]

Emily & Tom’s Wedfest Festival Wedding Stationery

Emily & Tom's Wedfest Festival Wedding Hi everyone!! We have an amazing wedding to show you today which we were delighted to provide all the wedding stationery for and oh my these photos are unbelievable!!! We would like to thank the bride & groom Emily & Tom and their amazing wedding photographer James Davidson for sharing these photos with us [...]

7″ Vinyl Record Wedding Table Names/Numbers

7" Vinyl Record Wedding Table Names/Numbers - Two words - SUPER COOL! Thats all we need to say about these awesome vinyl record wedding table numbers. Whether you are a music lover, vinyl record collector, festival fan or just love all things retro then these vinyl record wedding table names / numbers will be perfect for you. 7" Vinyl [...]

Vinyl Record Wedding Table Names

Vinyl Record Wedding Table Names - If you’re getting married and you and your partner-to-be share a passion for all things retro, what’s a fun way to combine the two and make your big day a surefire hit? Obviously we put a lot of thought into this at Wedfest and we have come up with loads of great ideas to [...]

Amie & Lee’s Spotify Music Themed Wedding Stationery

Spotify Playlist Themed Wedding Stationery We have a super cool one for you today :-) spotify playlist theme wedding table plan | wedding photography by A few years back music fans Amie and Lee (below) got in touch with us looking for us to create them some awesome music themed wedding stationery for their big day. The [...]

30FEST, 40FEST, 50FEST Birthday Party Balloons

30 FEST, 40 FEST, 50 FEST Birthday Party Balloons If you are a regular follower of our products you will be aware of our range of festival birthday party accessories, which include birthday wristbands, birthday lanyards and birthday cards. We are always expanding our range of products and our latest is this range of festival birthday party balloons featuring our [...]

Celebrating your Birthday Party in Lockdown

How to throw a lockdown birthday party If there’s one thing that lockdown has taught us, it’s how to be resourceful when it comes to having fun. Friday nights down the local have morphed into dial-in quizzes, we’ve blushed our way through one too many virtual hen parties, and we’ve yelled “you’re on mute!” more times than we’ve stepped outside. [...]

Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year Everyone!! Well 2020 has been and gone and was interesting and unforgettable to say the least!! We are not quite sure how 2021 is going to look yet and probably wont for a while. For now the first half is a continuation of last year and as I write this the whole of the UK & Ireland [...]


HOMEFEST® Festival at Home Party Wristbands

HOMEFEST®  Stay at Home Festival Party Wristbands If you read our last post about having Festival at Home Party you may have seen the photos of the HOMEFEST® Festival Party Wristbands we have just launched, well on this blog we are going to have a closer look at them. So our Festival at Home blog was discussing various ideas about [...]

Festival Themed Birthday Party at Home

Throw a Festival Themed Party at Home Celebrating your birthday at home with a mini festival style birthday party is OBVIOUSLY a great idea... and if you are reading this during this current covid-19 pandemic lockdown then it is an even BETTER idea! Just because we have to stay at home does not mean we cannot have fun, and definitely [...]

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