Festival Wedding Inspiration

Festival Wedding Inspiration - If you are planning a festival wedding then you probably either know exactly what you want or have no idea where to begin! Have a look through our website and no doubt you will feel inspired and the ideas for your festival themed wedding will start flowing. We have literally hundreds of designs on the website [...]

Summer Festival Ticket Wedding Invites

Summer Festival Ticket Wedding Invites - March is nearly over and slowly but surely we are creeping closer and closer to the summer! Festival season is just around the corner and more importantly for most of you Wedding season is about to kick off! Seeing all the festival line ups being announced this past few weeks has got me excited for [...]

WEDFEST 2014 Invitations

WEDFEST 2014 Invitations - This WEDFEST 2014 festival themed wedding invitation is one of our most popular designs and can easily be updated to suit any festival wedding. This set of invitations was designed for a couple who are having a festival wedding at Mount Druid, a Boutique Wedding Venue in Castletown Geoghegan, Co. Westmeath, Ireland. Mount Druid host wonderful boutique wedding receptions and [...]

Splendour in the Grass Australia Festival Themed Wedding Invites

Splendour in the Grass Australia Festival Themed Wedding Invites - Splendour in the Grass is a 3 day music festival that takes place each year in Byron Bay in Australia. It would have similar line ups each year to the major UK Festivals such as Glastonbury, Reading & Leeds Festivals and Electric Picnic in Ireland. Along with Australia's Big Day [...]

Personalised Festival Themed Invitations for your Wedding

Personalised Festival Themed Wedding Invitations for your Wedding - It seems like a year ago when this couple contacted me and asked me to design them some personalised wedding invitations. They wanted to have a festival theme for their wedding invites so when they came to WEDFEST they came to the right place. They wanted their invites to be in [...]

Rockabilly Themed Wedding Stationery

Rockabilly Themed Wedding Stationery - I have been looking forward to this post for a while. We are covering two things here. The first is the awesome Rockabilly Themed Wedding Stationery we have been working on at WEDFEST and the second is amazing Wedding Decoration and Styling by Belfast Wedding Decoration company Weddings at Tiffany's. It's hard to know where [...]

Typography Wedding Invitations

Typography Wedding Invitations - These beautiful vintage poster inspired typography wedding invitations were created for a couple from Ireland. They had previously seen some of my other typography based wedding invites and wanted something similar for their own wedding. Using a large selection of different fonts throughout the invitation design these typography wedding invites look really amazing. Based on some [...]

Heavy Metal Wedding Stationery

Heavy Metal Wedding Stationery - A few months back I posted some photos of some heavy metal themed wedding invitations I had made for a couple of Rockers from Edinburgh, Scotland. The theme they had been going for was 'Skulls and Roses' and the wedding invite designs turned out awesome as you can see below. Last weekend this very couple [...]

Festival Wedding Stationery

Festival Wedding Stationery - Last year I got contacted from a couple called Ryan & Alexa who were looking for wedding stationery and wanted to base it on their favour music festivals and they wanted to theme their festival style wedding around this. The had a very clear colour scheme of blue, yellow, pink and green that they wanted used in [...]

Football Ticket Wedding Invitation

Football Ticket Wedding Invitation - Something a bit different today. This Scottish couple contacted me a few months back looking for ticket wedding invitations, but instead of a music or festival theme they wanted football ticket wedding invitations. No problem of course and a nice change for something new to work on. I looked at various football ticket designs from [...]

Festival Themed Wedding Invitations

Festival Themed Wedding Invitations - This couple contacted me at the end of last year telling me that they had liked one of my previous Festival Themed Wedding Invitations which was the whimsical wedding invite you can find under the wedding invitations section. They loved the rolling fields and huge cloudy sky with the festival flags planted on the hills [...]

Rockabilly Wedding Invitations

Rockabilly Wedding Invitations - I have noticed a trend in Rockabilly themed weddings lately. I have been working on some Rockabilly Wedding Invitation designs for a while and just recently an American couple contacted me looking for me to design them a rockabilly themed wedding invite - perfect timing! The couple are getting married in the Hard Rock Hotel, Cancun, Mexico [...]

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