Amie & Lee’s Spotify Music Themed Wedding Stationery

Spotify Playlist Themed Wedding Stationery We have a super cool one for you today :-) spotify playlist theme wedding table plan | wedding photography by A few years back music fans Amie and Lee (below) got in touch with us looking for us to create them some awesome music themed wedding stationery for their big day. The [...]

Festival Weddings Save The Date Cards

Festival Wedding Save The Dates Happy 2022 Everyone!!! What an INSANE!!!!! Couple of years it has been! WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K!! Anyway it is time to move on right?? So let's do just that! If you have been planning a wedding in the past few years it has no doubt NOT been the experience you had hoped for but hopefully [...]

Rock n Roll Bride Live Photos

Rock n Roll Bride Live Photos from the Event If you seen our early post about our trip to Rock N Roll Bride Live at Hackney Town Hall in London, you will have got a glimpse at the awesome day we had at the event and a look at some of our work and a few of the other vendors on [...]

Melissa & Dan’s Ibiza Wedding Stationery

Ibiza Wedding Lanyard Programmes & Ibiza Wristbands Exactly a year ago (at the time of writing this blog) Melissa & Dan were on the rooftop of Hotel Aguas de Ibiza, tying the knot in front of their friends and family in a truly gorgeous Ibiza Wedding. First and foremost Happy Anniversary to the beautiful couple. Secondly thank you to Ibiza [...]

Till Death Do Us Part Wedding Invites

Till Death Do Us Part Rock N Roll Wedding Invites If you are planning a Rock 'n' Roll Wedding then you are going to need some awesome Rock 'n' Roll Wedding Invites and we have just the wedding invitations for you!! Check out these amazing Till Death Do Us Part Wedding Invites... till death do us part wedding invitations [...]

Festival Signpost Wedding Invitations

Festival Wooden Signpost Wedding Invites Luisa & Dominik from Germany got in touch with us last year looking for us to create them some festival themed wedding invites for their upcoming festival wedding in Germany. They wanted to name their wedding festival 'Just Married Festival' and wanted us to design them wedding invitations with a festival style wooden signpost that [...]

Tropical Electric Love – Neon Sign Themed Hawaiian Wedding Stationery

Neon Sign Themed, Dance Music Festival Inspired, Hawaiian Wedding Stationery Yes that is quite a mouthful above :-) It was kind of hard to come up with a title for this one as to exactly explain the theme in one sentence is pretty difficult. So basically this couple met at the Electric Daisy Carnival Festival in Las Vegas and were [...]

WedFest Wedding Stationery at Rock N Roll Bride Live

WedFest at Rock N Roll Bride Live This past weekend gone by we were super excited and super delighted to be showcasing at and attending the first ever Rock N Roll Bride Live event hosted by the team behind and Rock N Roll Magazine. We don't get much time to do many wedding events or wedding fairs but when [...]

Same Sex Wedding Invitations and Wedding Stationery

Same Sex Marriage Wedding Invitations and Stationery This month Same Sex Marriage became legal in Northern Ireland for the first time, and in the past few days the first Same Sex Marriage took place in N.Ireland. This of course was a huge moment for same sex couples and the LGBTQ+ community as a whole and shows the progress that has [...]

Gamers Nintendo Video Game Lovers Wedding Invitations

Classic Retro Nintendo Video Game Wedding Invitations When it comes to creating super fun and awesome themed wedding stationery, Wedfest are top of the Leaderboard. For that reason gamer loving couple Rhiannon & Glenn got in touch with Wedfest last year with an idea for some super fun wedding invitations in the style of the retro Nintendo Video Game Cartridges. [...]

Corporate/Business Branded Promotional Event Lanyards

Business / Corporate Promotional Event Lanyards The die-hard WedFest fans amongst us will know that our reputation for creating cool, out-of-the-box wedding stationery and corporate event stationery started with our wedding invitation skills, but quickly spiralled into all manner of fun and unusual corners of the world. So it was a no-brainer for us to start offering our specialised skills to [...]

Skiing Ski Lift Theme Wedding Invitations

Ski Lift Theme Wedding Invitations Around this time of year things always get a little more wintery and we be working on more Christmas and Winter themed weddings and designs... However when it comes to actually designing winter wedding invitations we usually have to design and make these in the summer. So we have to put on our winter hat [...]

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