Festival Concert Ticket Wedding Invitations – Here is the latest festival ticket wedding invitations I have designed. These ones are for a couple of music festival fans in Scotland who are getting married this year and are having a festival themed wedding. There is lots of festival wedding ideas going around but the concert style ticket invitations are definitely my favourite (and yes I am biased). These ticket invitations follow the same style as previous ones I have worked on and have the perforated RSVP stub so guests can easily tear it off just like a normal ticket stub. The colours in these festival invites are really cool, especially the magenta and pinks used in the crowd and the various rays of light coming from the sun.
Have a look through the rest of the site for more examples of festival wedding invitations and festival wedding stationery. Most of the designs are customisable to suit your needs but if you need a bespoke design thats no problem just get in touch and let me know what you need.