Festival Wooden Signpost Wedding Invites
Luisa & Dominik from Germany got in touch with us last year looking for us to create them some festival themed wedding invites for their upcoming festival wedding in Germany. They wanted to name their wedding festival ‘Just Married Festival’ and wanted us to design them wedding invitations with a festival style wooden signpost that features on many of our festival wedding invitation designs.

festival wooden sign post wedding invitations
The Invitations featured the wooden signpost as the main element listing the things the wedding guests can look forward to at the wedding such as Music, Dancing, Fun and good times etc.

festival signpost wedding invitations
As the couple are German of course the main body of text on the invitations was in German. These are super fun festival wedding invites and we love the colour scheme of blues and teals which works perfectly with the green of the fields and blue in the sky.

wooden signpost wedding invitation
If you like the look of these signpost themed wedding invitations and would like something similar for your wedding day, or if you have an idea for wedding stationery and want us to bring it to life please click here to get in touch.