Glastonmarry Themed Wedding No Seating Plan Line Up Poster
Ok today we are looking at a Festival Wedding Seating Plan that is not a wedding seating plan… so its a wedding non-seating plan!

glasto glastonmarry no seating plan wedding sign poster
Wedding No Seating Plan Sign
Angela and Jack are huge festival fans, especially fans of Glastonbury, so they wanted to have some festival fun with their wedding day stationery. However, like many of you out there they didn’t want to have an actual wedding seating plan, and just wanted their guests to sit where they liked and with whoever they liked instead of being told where to sit for the wedding meal. This is what many couples opt for of course so not unusual at all.

glastonmarry festival themed wedding no seating plan poster sign
Festival Wedding Line Up Poster
However they did really love the idea of our festival wedding table plans with all the wedding guests names printed on so they somehow wanted to to include this idea on their wedding day. We suggested why not just take all the wedding guest names and put them on a festival wedding line up poster. So all the names would be listed like a normal festival poster but not broken down into stages or table names. They loved this idea and we set about creating their wedding non-seating plan.

glastonmarry wedding no seating plan wedding sign
Glastonmarry Festival Wedding Non Seating Plan
Like we said they are huge fans of festivals so they wanted a festival style festival poster for their wedding guests. We listed all the names of all the wedding guests as if they are all acts or performers at the festival with the headliners being Angela and Jack followed by the best man, maid of honour, groomsmen, bridesmaids etc.. Needless to say this turned out super duper cool. The title of the poster was GLASTONMARRY FESTIVAL.

wedding non seating plan glastonmarry theme

glastonmarry wedding table seating plan
At the bottom of the poster it says NO SEATING PLAN and then explains to the wedding guests that seating plan are not the couples style and to sit wherever they want.
Festival Wedding Table / Seating Plan
This Wedding Non-Seating Plan is a great idea for anyone who wants to still have a festival style line up poster of all the people attending their wedding but not necessarily have wedding table plan. It also makes an amazing keep sake for after the wedding to hang in your house and remember all the people that attended your wedding day.

glastonmarry theme wedding
If you like the look of this NON-SEATING Plan or any of the actual wedding seating plans on our website and would like something similar for your big day please click here to get in touch.