The 12 Pubs, Pub Crawl Christmas Party Wristbands
If you have read our other blog post about Christmas Party Wristbands you will know we said we have two new styles of wristbands to launch for the festive season. The first was the Christmas Party range and the second is these brilliant The 12 Pubs Christmas Party Wristbands specifically made for all you party loving people up and down the country who will be once again this year attempting to complete The 12 Pubs of Christmas Pub Crawl!

the 12 pubs of christmas party pub crawl wristbands accessories
For those of you who maybe do not use the Christmas period to spend most of your time on the drink here is a short background on what The 12 Pubs of Christmas is all about…
What is The 12 Pubs of Christmas?
Well first of all this is by no means the specific explanation or rule set of what The 12 Pubs of Christmas Pub Crawl is all about. From our own research (and from what we remember, which isn’t much to be honest) The rules of the 12 pubs can change from city to city, office to office and group to group. So more than likely you and your gang of booze chasers have your own ideas of what The 12 Pubs are and no doubt plenty of your own fun traditions.

the 12 pubs christmas party pub crawl wristbands
For those of you havent a clue what the feck is going on, it basically is the following…
On one day/night on the lead up to Christmas, you and your gang of friends, work colleagues or just random bunch of people looking for a pub crawl visit 12 different pubs for a drink (or two) on one one night.
Sounds simple doesn’t it, well its not!
You must obviously be wearing a Christmas Jumper to take part! The uglier the better! and of course one of our awesome THE 12 PUBS wristbands (to gain entry 😉 )
The main rule is that you have at least one drink in each pub, but this is where it gets tricky, especially if like us you are Irish. There really isn’t such a thing as going to a pub for one drink if you are Irish, even if the whole purpose of the game / pub crawl is to only have one drink! For arguments sake lets say 2drinks per pub, maybe 3! We do advise you to drink responsibly obviously, and make sure you buy your round!!
Most groups usually have a plan of attack and a list of pubs to visit on their pub crawl, this is generally a good idea to let everyone know the plan before you start as really some people are gonna go to pub number one and stay there until they wake up and its time to go to pub number twelve, so a list of pubs in order is a good idea.
There then is other fun things groups usually do like giving each pub a rule, for example in pub 2 no one is allowed to use their phone, in pub 4 everyone must drink Guinness, in pub 6 everyone must drink a shot! These kind of rules are good for adding some fun to the already crazy proceedings. But lets be honest, in Pub one put your phone away, order a pint of lager, and a Guinness and a shot and that will start the proceedings nicely. Seriously though do drink responsibly its all fun and games until someone throws up you!
So thats basically the premise of what The 12 Pubs of Christmas Pub Crawl is all about. Honestly not many people get to the 12th pub usually because there has been so much fun being had at 8,9,10….
So what has all of that got to do with us?? Well we have just launched the perfect Christmas party favour for this awesome Christmas pub crawl tradition. We give you our all new super Christmassy THE 12 PUBS wristbands.

christmas party accessories pub crawl wristbands
Christmas Pub Crawl Wristbands
When we were working on our other set of Christmas party wristbands we were trying to work out who we would aim them at. Obviously Christmas work parties and Christmas office parties are a given as well as groups of friends getting together for their Christmas nights out and Christmas jumper nights out. Then we realised The 12 Pubs is such a big tradition now that it deserves to have its very own wristband. So for all you groups of colleagues, friends, family and whoever who are currently writing that all important Christmas list (the list of pubs you are going to visit not the other one) then these are the wristbands for you… These wristbands are a must have for your group and will make all the other pub crawlers in pubs 4, 5 and 6 look like total amateurs in comparison.

christmas pub crawl wristbands

THE 12 PUBS christmas pub crawl wristbands favours
These gorgeous wristbands look perfect hanging of your wrist as you hold your perfect pint wondering is this the pub where everything is going to go off. These wristbands will help you identify who the actual f$%k you are actually supposed to be along with when in pub 9 when you realise the people you are talking to are not actually wearing these super cool THE 12 PUBS wristbands so therefore are not even part of your group.

THE 12 PUBS christmas pub crawl party wristbands

the 12 pubs of christmas pub crawl wristbands accessories
The design of the wristbands features a gorgeous Christmas themed design in red, white, green, silver and gold and features the text THE 12 PUBS on the main area of the wristband and the text CHRISTMAS PARTY on the tails. The wristbands come with an adjustable gold lock which can fit any size wrist and is easily tightened or loosened as required.

christmas party supplies party bags pub crawl wristband favours twelve pubs

THE 12 PUBS christmas pub crawl party favour wristbands
These are the must have Christmas Party accessory this year so get yours ordered now!
You can buy them by clicking on the links below or by clicking here…

the 12 pubs christmas pub crawl wristbands

christmas party accessories pub crawl wristband favours twelve pubs
If you are interested in Christmas Party Wristbands but not necessarily going on a pub crawl, click here to see our other version of Christmas wristbands.
Have a very merry Christmas everyone and stay safe, see you in pub 3 or 4 for 3 or 4!