Festival Ticket Wedding Invitation – This is a new set of designs I have created for the festival ticket wedding invitation range I offer. I have designed this new range to include a rock concert crowd and rock band on stage playing to the crowd, with the sun setting in the background of a large green park. The colours on these wedfest 2013 festival invites can be changed to tie in with any wedding theme colours and also the logo or festival title can be adjusted to fit the wedding theme.
For these ticket invitations the couple Tanya and Sam were having a blue and green colour theme for the wedding so I used these colours on the wedding day invitations and they worked brilliantly giving a real festival ticket feel to the design. For the evening tickets I changed the colours to reds, oranges and yellows to give the tickets an early evening, sun setting at a festival kind of vibe which is just what you might experience at a real festival, again these look really beautiful.
Like the other wedding festival ticket invites I have created the couple also wanted the perforated tear off RSVP stubs on these invites. These are perfect for guests to quickly fill in their details and send back the RSVP to the soon to be married couples. On the RSVP stubs and also on the reverse of the invites (where I have the main wedding invitation details) I have included the couples names and wedding date on the bar code of the tickets, much like you would see a bar code on the ticket stub of a concert ticket or any event ticket.
As an event wedding invitation these wedding invites can be changed to represent any kind of event, or any kind of wedding ticket invitation such as concert tickets, cinema tickets, travel tickets etc. etc.
These wedding festival ticket invites are a great idea for music lovers who want to do something unique and creative with their wedding invitations and break from the traditional boring style of wedding invitations. If you would like more info on these festival ticket wedding invitations or would like me to design you a specific event wedding ticket invitation then please click here to get in touch…