Tour de France / Cycling Themed Wedding Table and Seating Plan
Lydia and Toyin got in touch with Wedfest after seeing some of our Ski Themed Wedding Stationery. While they are fans of skiing themselves they wanted to combine their love of skiing with their love of the Tour de France. They wanted us to create them a Tour De France themed wedding table plan but they wanted to name their wedding tables after their favourite Ski Resorts. No problem! The couples wedding reception was taking place in The Reid Rooms in Essex and they wanted a beautiful wedding table plan to great their guests when they arrived at the wedding reception. In their brief they stated that they wanted to have the 4 Tour de France leading cyclists wearing the leaders jerseys. They wanted them to be cycling past a sunflower field with a mountain range in the background, and they wanted to feature the famous Tour de France ‘Devil’. With all this in mind we set about creating the beautiful wedding seating plan you see below…

Tour de France cycling wedding table seating plan
We were very happy with how this table plan turned out and we also made the couple matching wedding table name cards so the wedding guests could identify what table they were sitting at.
If you like the look of this Tour de France cycling themed Wedding Table Plan and would like something similar for your wedding please click here to get in touch…