Stacey & Roger’s Wedding Festival Table Plan and Vinyl Record Wedding Table Names – Stacey & Roger got married at the end of October at Lains Barn, Wantage, Oxfordshire, and had been in touch with Wedfest looking for us to make them an awesome wedding festival table plan in the style of their favourite music festival. The heading for the wedding table plan was WEDDING FESTIVAL.

wedding festival table plan
The couple wanted their wedding guests and wedding bridal party’s names to be laid out in the style of a music festival line up poster. Each of the wedding tables was named after a favourite band of the couples such as Foo Fighters, Oasis, Queen, Kings of Leon etc. and these then had each of the wedding guest names listed below them.

wedding festival seating plan
The couple also requested that we make them matching vinyl record wedding table names for their wedding centre pieces so the guests could work out what table they were sitting at.

vinyl record wedding table names

oasis vinyl record wedding

wedding festival vinyl record
As you can see in the beautiful photos taken by Carol Elizabeth Photography the vinyl records looked amazing as part of the wedding table centre displays. Thanks to Caroline and Stacey for sending the photos over. Check out more of Carol’s awesome wedding photography work at her website

The Beatles vinyl record wedding stationery
The festival poster style wedding table plan along side the vinyl record table centre pieces are perfect for any couples who are music fans or have a love of festivals. They can be totally personalised to suit your own individual tastes / style and colour theme of your wedding.

vinyl record wedding centre pieces
As you can see in the photos they really add a splash of colour to the wedding tables and look amazing.

personalised wedding vinyl records
If you like the look of this Wedding Festival Table Plan or the Vinyl Record Wedding Table Names please click here to get in touch and lets make some wedding stationery that your guests wont forget.